Eric SchallSenior Lecturer (HDR)
- Project Manager "Energy transition and sustainable development".
- Head of the department GTE of the IUT of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour
Laboratoire SIAME
eric.schall @
2014/10 - In charge of the OPTIMAL Aeronautics project for UPPA. Project labeled by the 3 French Aeronautics clusters: AESE, PEGASE and AsTech.
2012/08 - INRIA member of the CONCHA project of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (UPPA).
2004 - Habilitation to head research at UPPA.
Title of the habilitation : "Modeling and numerical simulation in fluid mechanics Energy for Engineering Sciences"
1999/08 - Lecturer (section 60) of the UPPA at the IUT at the dpt. Thermal Engineering and Energy.
1999/98 - Expert Engineer at INRIA (Sinus Project) of Sophia-Antipolis.
1 year Study of Low Mach Number flows / Fluid-Structure Coupling.
Industrial project concerned: CEA-CESTA, Aerostructure Consortium: Dassault, EDF, SNPE, SEP, Aérospatiale, Hispano-Suiza.
1998/97 - Researcher at ENPC (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées) at CERMICS-INRIA (Cayman Project) in Sophia-Antipolis: Modeling and Simulation of a flame in heterogeneous environments.
Industrial project concerned: EFAISTOS European Project of INRA on Forest Fires.
1997/95 - Researcher at the University of Provence.
2 years Modelling and Simulation of the three-dimensional flow in a repetitive pulsed HF/DF laser.
Industrial project concerned: Design of a LASER in collaboration with the company LASERDOT.
1995/92 - Doctoral student at the University of Provence in Mechanics-Energetics
Since 2018: "Energy Transition and Sustainable Development" Project Manager
Since 2016 : Head of the GTE department of the IUT of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour.
My research work is part of a broader research in numerical simulation of sciences for engineering. In particular I have acquired skills in :
- Modeling and numerical simulation of compressible flows at any Mach number,
- Modeling of parietal heat exchanges (between a wall and a fluid).
- Development of an experimental manipulator for cooling a heating cylinder
Research interests
- Study of the cooling of a turbomachine crankcase by air jet impacts at any number of Mach.
- Study of the heat transfers at the level of the cooling of a heating cylinder
Past executives (Engineer / DEA / Thesis)
Students in doctoral thesis
Name of the graduate : Nicolas Chauchat Diploma : PhD thesis
Title of the work: "Towards numerical simulation at any Mach number".
Date of defense: December 2016
Names and % of co-directors: Eric Schall (90%) and Roland Becker (10%)
Current situation of the graduate : Lecturer at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
Name of Graduate: Kossivi Gokpi Diploma: PhD Thesis
Title of the work: " Study of compressible flows at low speed ".
Date of defense: February 2013
Names and % of co-directors: Eric Schall (100%)
Current situation of the graduate : Engineer in a company
Name of Graduate: Tarik El Rhafiki Diploma: PhD Thesis
Title of the work: "Study of heat and mass transfer of an ice slurry undergoing a phase change in an exchanger".
Date of defense : December 2009
Names and % of co-directors: Eric Schall (50%), Y. Zeraouli (50%)
Current situation of the graduate: Teacher-Researcher in Morocco
Name of the graduate : Yann Moguen Diploma : PhD thesis
Title of the work: " Study of compressible flows at low speed ".
Date of defense : December 2008
Names and % of co-directors: Eric Schall (90%), M. AMARA (10%)
Current situation of the graduate: Post-doctoral position at SIAME Laboratory - UPPA
Name of the graduate : Yacine Bentaleb Diploma : PhD thesis
Title of the work: "Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Turbulence by Low-Rynolds and Hybrid RANS/LES Statistical Approaches".
Date of defense: December 11, 2007
Names and % of co-directors: J.P. Dumas (10%), Eric Schall (90%)
Current situation of the graduate: ?
Name of the graduate : Stéphane Soubacq Diploma : PhD thesis
Title of the work: "Dynamic study of the expansion of a Plasma-Laser: Influence of the Effective Laser Field".
Date of defense: December 12, 2003
Names and % of co-directors: P. Pignolet (50%), Eric Schall (50%)
Current situation of the graduate: ?
Students in DEA or Master
Name of the graduate: Grégoire Rivière Diploma: Master 2 Mathematics Modeling and Simulation
Title of work: "A numerical and experimental study of low mach flows".
Date of diploma: June 2014
Names and % of co-directors: Eric Schall (100%)
Current status of the graduate: In doctoral thesis
Name of the graduate : Mathias Vinard Diploma : DEA
Title of the work: "Numerical Modeling of Combustion in a Heterogeneous Environment - Heterogeneous Combustion in a Heterogeneous Environment".
Radiative Phenomenon "
Date of diploma: June 2002
Names and % of co-directors: Eric Schall (100%)
Current situation of the graduate : Engineer in Business
Name of the graduate: Matthieu Fenot Diploma: ENSMA Engineer
Title of the work: "Experimental Study of Multiperforation and its Effects".
Date of diploma: August 2000
Names and % of co-directors: Eric Schall (100%)
Current situation of the graduate: Lecturer at ISAE-ENSMA in Poitiers.
Name of the graduate: Olivier Chaoul Diploma: DEA
Title of the work: "Study of Pulsed Lasers".
Date of diploma: August 1996
Names and % of co-directors: Eric Schall (100%)
Graduate's Current Status: Working in the United States in International Trade
Participation in external thesis juries:
As a Member of the Jury:
Name of Graduate: Chakib Kada Kloucha
Specialty: Applied Mathematics
Title of the work: "Study of a numerical model of incompressible two-phase flow with free boundary".
Date of defense: November 30, 2006
Venue: University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
As Thesis Reporter :
Name of the graduate : Damien Gueguan
Specialty: Fluid Mechanics
Title of the work: "Numerical modeling of unsteady 3D bi-fluid flows with mesh adaptation".
Date of defense : December 14, 2007
Venue: INRIA of Sophia-Antipolis
Name of the graduate : Guillaume Ducarme
Specialty: Fluid Mechanics
Title of the work: "Contribution to the numerical study of the combustion of hydrogen in air in supersonic flows".
Date of defense: December 12, 2008
Venue : IUSTI University of Provence
Name of Graduate: Sébastien Girard
Specialty: Fluid Mechanics
Title of the work: "Study of shock interference in overexpanded internal shock nozzles".
Date of defense: December 30, 2009
Venue: ONERA Châtillon, Paris
Name of Graduate : Emilie Del Prete
Specialty: Fluid Mechanics
Title of the work: "Shock and blast wave in aqueous foams. Experimental study and numerical modeling "
Date of defense: October 31, 2012
Venue : Coria, University of Rouen
Name of graduate : Hubert Alcin
Specialty: Fluid Mechanics
Title of the work: "Resolution of unsteady and assistant flows".
Date of defense: December 5
Venue : IUSTI, Université Aix-Marseille
To continue the development of numerical simulation software in fluid mechanics for engineering sciences for the benefit of the transport industry at large. Study of parietal heat transfers through simulation and comparison with experience.
0) Expertises
Reviewer of articles submitted to international journals :
- 2002 IJHMT (International Journal of Heat and Mass Tranfert)
- 2011 IJAD (International Journal of AeroDynamic)
- 2012 IJNMF (International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids)
- 2015 IJNMHFF (International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow)
- 2017 IJNMHFF (International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow)
- 2017 IJTS (International Journal of Thermal Sciences)
Member of a scientific committee of an international congress :
- European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS 2011, St Peterburg)
- 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
(HEFAT 2011 et HEFAT 2011) : solicited to report 4 papers in oral presentation (2 in 2011 and 2 in 2012)..
International Expertise :
I have accepted proposals for three UREP (Underg. Research Experience Prog.) applications from the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF). As a rule, these files must be reviewed by 3 experts outside QATAR.
2011: 1 expert review of the QATAR Foundation's national program application file.
2012: 2 applications to the QATAR Foundation's national program
Note 1: A reporter may not assess more than two files per year.
Note 2: The expertises are remunerated.
Expertise for the National Research Agency :
- Expertise in 2012.
I) Publications in International Journals
[24] " Confined impinging air jet on a heated cylinder at low Mach number"
International Journal of Thermal Sciences (IJTS), Vol 118, pp 1-11, 2017.
Eric Schall, Nicolas Chauchat et Mathieu Mory
[23] " Cooling of a heating cylinder by confined impacting air jets "
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow (IJNMHFF), 26(7):2013-2032, September 2016.
Nicolas Chauchat, Eric Schall, Mathieu Mory, Marta de la Llave Plata and Vincent G. Couaillier.
[22] " Comparison of hierarchical and non-hierarchical error indicators for adaptive mesh refinement for the Euler equations "
Journal of Aerospace Engineering (JAERO), Vol. 227(6), pp 933-943, SAGE Publication, 2013
Roland Becker, Kossivi Gokpi, Eric Schall, David Trujillo
[21] " Fully implicit adaptative method using Discontinuous Galerkin finite elements for high speed flows"
International Journal of Aerodynamics (IJAD), Vol. 2, Nos. 2/3/4, 2012
Roland Becker, Kossivi Gokpi, Eric Schall, David Trujillo
[20] " Fully implicit adaptive method using discontinuous Galerkin finite elements for high speed flows "
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics (PCFD), Vol. 9, N°2, pp 96-108, 2009
Y. Bentaleb, E. Schall, T.Kousksou
[19] " Power, efficiency and irreversibility analysis of latent energy system"
AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp 234-240, April-June 2008
T.Kousksou, T. Elrhafiki, A. Arid, E. Schall and Y. Zeraouli
[18] " Isothermal and non-isothermal melting of the binary solution inside an emulsion"
Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 460, Issues 1-2, 25 August 2007, Pages 22-27.
A. Jamil, T. Kousksou, Y. Zeraouli, J.-P. Dumas and E. Schall
[17] " A 2D modelling of laser-gas breakdown in atmospheric air "
High Temperature Material Processes (HTMP), Vol.10, 265-280, 2006.
P. Pignolet, E. Schall, S. Soubacq
[16] " Coupling of a mapping method and a generic algorithm to optimize mixing efficiency inperiodic chaotic flows "
Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (CNSNS), 11, 3, 413-423, 2006.
S. Gibout, Y. Le Guer, E. Schall
[15] " Investigation of a gas breakdown process in a laser-plasma experiment "
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2004, Vol. 37, pp 2686-2702.
S. Soubacq, P. Pignolet, E. Schall, J. Batina
[14] " A mapping tool using anisotropic unstructured meshes to study mixing in periodic flow "
Chemical Engineering Science (CES), 2004. Vol. 59, pp 1459-1472.
Y. Le Guer,E. Schall
[13] "Mesh Adaptation as a tool for certified Computation Aerodynamics"
International Journal for Numerical Method in Fluid (IJNMF), 2004, Vol. 45, pp 179-196.
E. Schall, D. Lesrvoisiert, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux
[12] "Application of unsteady fluid-structure methods to problems in Aeronautics and Space"
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (NFMMD), Vol. 85, pp 57-70, Springer, 2003.
A. Dervieux, B. Koobus, E. Schall, R. Lardat, C. Farhat
[11] "Computation of low Mach thermical flows with implicit upwind methods"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IJHMT), 2003. Vol 46, pp 3909-3926.
E. Schall, C. Viozat, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux
[10] "Aeroelastique Coupling between a Thin Divergent and High Pressure Jets"
Revue Européenne des Eléments Finis (REEF), Fluid-Structure Interaction, 2000. Vol. 9. N°6-7, pp 835-851.
E. Schall, R. Lardat, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux, C. Farhat
[9] "Analysis of a Possible Coupling in a Thrust Inverter"
Revue Européenne des Eléments Finis (REEF), Fluid-Structure Interaction, 2000. Vol. 9. N°6-7, pp 819-834.
R. Lardat, B. Koobus, E. Schall, A. Dervieux, C. Farhat
[8] "Interaction between a Pulsating Flow and a Perforated Membrane"
Revue Européenne des Eléments Finis (REEF), Fluid-Structure Interaction, 2000. Vol. 9. N°6-7, pp 805-817.
R. Lardat, R. Carpentier, B. Koobus, E. Schall, A. Dervieux, C. Farhat, J. Guery et P. Della Piéta
[7] "A mixed Finite Volume/Finite Element method applied to combustion in multiphase medium »,
in: Finite Volume for Complex Applications II, R. Vilsmeier, F. Benkhaldoun, D. Hänel Eds., Hermès, p. 411-418,
N. Glinsky-Olivier, E. Schall,
[6] "An Extension of CVDV Model to Zeldovich Exchange Reactions for Hypersonic Non-Equilibrium Air Flows ",
International Journal of Shock Wave (IJSW), Springer Verlag 1998, Vol.8 pp 285-298.
S. Seror, E. Schall, M.C. Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[5] "Comparison between a Coupled Euler/Defect Boundary-Layer and a full Navier-Stokes Methods for Nonequilibrium Thermochemical Hypersonic Flows",
Computers and Fluids (CF), 1998. Vol. 27, pp 381-406.
S. Seror,E. Schall, D. Zeitoun
[4] "Coupled Vibration-Dissociation-Exchange Reactions Model for Hypersonic Airflow Computations ",
AIAA Journal (-), Avril 1998. Vol 36, n°4, pp 532-538.
S. Seror , M.C Druguet, E. Schall, D. Zeitoun
[3] "Asymptotic Defect Boundary Layer, Theory applied to Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Flows",
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM),1997. Vol. 339, pp 213-238.
S. Seror, J.Ph. Brazier, D. Zeitoun, E. Schall
[2] "Vibration-Dissociation Coupling in Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Viscous Flows",
AIAA Journal (-),Janvier 1995. Vol 33, n°1, pp. 79-85.
D. Zeitoun, E. Schall, Y. Burtschell, M.C Druguet
[1] "Numerical Study of Non-Equilibrium Processes in high Enthalpy Flows",
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow (IJNMHFF), Mars 1995.Vol. 5, n°3, 11 pages.
E. Schall, Y. Burtschell et D. Zeitoun
II) Invited presentation in International Conferences
[2] "Numerical models for computing unsteady fast flows and their interaction with structures",
West-East High Speed Flow Fields, Marseille, avril 2002, D.E. Zeitoun, J. Periaux, J.-A. Desideri and M. Marini Eds,
110-119, CIMNE, Barcelona.
A. Dervieux, B. Koobus, C. Farhat, M. Vazquez, R. Carpentier, E. Schall.
[1] "Application of unsteady fluid-structure methods to problems in Aeronautics and Space"
in: Noel G Barton, Jacques Periaux (Eds), Coupling of Fluids, Structures and Waves in Aeronautics
Proceedings of a French-Australian Workshop in Melbourne, Australia 3-6 December 2001.
III) International Conferences
[37] "Moving toward green aircraft : more onboard electricity with an efficient cooling system".
28th ECOS international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems. June 2015.
Eric Schall, Nicolas Chauchat and Mathieu Mory.
[36] "A contribution to the way of the all-Mach number in aerodynamics."
3AF international conference on Applied Aerodynamics. Toulouse - March 2015.
Nicolas Chauchat, Eric Schall, Nicolas Lantos and Gilles Leroy.
[35] "Study of a cooling device of confined impacting air jets on a heating cylinder."
3AF international conference on Applied Aerodynamics. Toulouse - March 2015.
Nicolas Chauchat, Eric Schall, Mathieu Mory, Marta de la Llave Plata and Vincent G. Couaillier.
[34] " A posteriori error estimators for grid adaptation with Galerkin discontinuous finite element method. », 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer (HEFAT), Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Pointe Aux Piments, Mauritius, 2011,
Roland Becker, Kossivi Gokpi, Eric Schall, David Trujillo
[33] " Comparison of two types of a posteriori error estimators on mesh adaptation in discontinuous Galerkin finite elements methods. », 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, St-Petersburg Russia, (EUCASS) 2011, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Roland Becker, Kossivi Gokpi, Eric Schall, David Trujillo
[32] " Computation of hypersonic honequilibrium flow with artificially upstream flux vector splitting (AUFS) schemes",
2nd International ARA days « 10 years after ARD », 21-23 October, 2008, Arcachon, France.
G. Tchuen, E. Schall
[31] " Asymptotic kinetic energy conservation for low Mach number flows computations ",
Tenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 15-17 septembre, 2008, Jaca, Spain.
M. Amara, Y. Moguen, E. Schall
[30] " Numerical simulation of the fluidized bed: application to ice slurry systems ",
ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, May 11-16, 2008, Marrakech, Maroc
T. El Rhafiki, T. Kousksou, Y. Zeraouli, E. Schall and A. Mimet
[29] " Axisymetric computational modelling of a laser induced air plasma ",
99h International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 19-21 septembre, 2005, Jaca, Spain. Gracia de Galdeano, N° 33, 58- 63, 2006.
P. Pignolet, E. Schall et S. Soubacq
[28] " A Numerical Method for Simulating Turbulent Shear Flows With Low Reynolds k-espilon, Models ",
9th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 19-21 septembre, 2005, Jaca, Spain. Gracia de Galdeano, N° 33, 349- 356, 2006.
Y. Bentaleb, E. Schall, B. Koobus et M. Amara
[27] " Fluid-Structure Coupling and Turbulent Flow Around a Generic Airship at Hight Angle of Attack ",
23rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 6 - 9 Jun 2005, Westin Harbour Castle Toronto, Ontario, Canada
K. El Omari, E. Schall, J.P Dumas et M. Amara
[26] " 2D Modelling of a Laser-Gas Breakdown in Atmospheric Air ",
4th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Paris France May 17-20, 2005 : Présentation orale.
S. Soubacq, P. Pignolet, E. Schall
[25] " Numerical study of Turbulent Flow around a Generic Airship at high angle of attack ",
4th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Paris France May 17-20, 2005 : Présentation poster.
K. El Omari, E. Schall, Y. Leguer et M. Amara
[24] " Low Mach Investigation of Compressible Airship around a Generic Airship ",
8th Conference of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 15-18 septembre, 2003, Jaca, Spain. Gracia de Galdeano, N°31, 509-518, 2004.
Y. Bentaleb, E. Schall, B. Koobus et M. Amara
[23] " Inviscid Flow Calculation Around a Flexible Airship ",
8th Conference of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 15-18 septembre, 2003, Jaca, Spain. Gracia de Galdeano, N°31, 535-544, 2004.
K. El Omari, E. Schall, B. Koobus et A. Dervieux
[22] " Turbulence Modeling Challenges in Airship CFD Studies ",
8th Conference of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 15-18 septembre, 2003, Jaca, Spain. Gracia de Galdeano, N°31, 545-554, 2004.
K. El Omari, E. Schall, B. Koobus et A. Dervieux
[21] " Electron density distribution analysis in a laser-plasma experiment ",
1st International Meeting on Applied Physics, August 13-18 ,2003, Badajoz, Spain.
S. Soubacq, J. Batina, E. Schall and P. Pignolet
[20] " Chaotic mixing optimization for 3D flows by coupling a mapping method with genetic algorithms ",
7th FLUCOME (Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization), August 25-28, 2003, Sorrento, Italy. A paraître dans les actes du congré.
S. Gibout, Y. Le Guer Y. and E. Schall
[19] "An Anisotropic Unstructured Meshes Mapping Method to optimize mixing in laminar periodic flows",
PSFVIP-4 (Pacific Symposium on Fluid Visualization and Image Processing), June 3-5, 2003, Chamonix, France.
E. Schall, Y. Le Guer and S. Gibout
[18] "Application of unsteady fluid-structure methods to problems in aeronautics and space",
Conférence invitée, cf. § Conférences Internationales sur invitation.
A. Dervieux, B. Koobus, E. Schall, C. Farhat, R. Lardat.
[17] "Numerical models for computing unsteady fast flows and their interaction with structures",
Conférence invitée, cf. § Conférences Internationales sur invitation.
A. Dervieux, B. Koobus, C. Farhat, M. Vazquez, R. Carpentier, E. Schall.
[16] "On the Computational of Unsteady and Steady Low Mach Flows with Implicite Upwind Methods",
ECCOMAS, 5th Computation Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2001,Swansea-Wales, UK , 4-7 of september 2001. 15 pages.
E. Schall, Cecile Viozat, B. Koobus et A. Dervieux.
[15] " A Mixed Finite Volume/Finite Element method applied to combustion in multiphase medium",
International Symposium on Finite Volume for Complex Applications, Problems and Perpectives, Juillet 1999,University of Duisbourg, UK, 14 pages.
N. Glinsky-Olivier, E. Schall
[14] "On higher order accurate Implicite Time Advancing for stiff flows problems",
International Symposium on Finite Volume for Complex Applications, Problems and Perpectives, Juillet 1999,Université de Duisbourg. 12 pages.
C. Viozat, E. Schall, A. Dervieux et D. Leservoisier
[13] "Investigation of the Aeroelastique Coupling between a Nozzle and a Supersonic Jet",
présenté au Mini-Symposium du :
5th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Août 1999,Boulder (USA Colorado)
E. Schall, B. Koobus et C. Farhat
[12] "Hypersonic Defect Boundary Layer Computations with the CVDEV Model",
ECCOMAS, 4th Computation Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1998,Athens-Greece , 7-11 septembre 1998. Vol 1, Part 2, pp 1113-1118.
Y. Seror, E. Schall, M.C Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[11] "New Vibration-Dissociation-Exchange Reactions Coupling Model for Nonequilibrium Thermochemical Flows",
4th Franch-Russian-Italian-Uzbeck Workshop on Experimentation, Numerical Methods and Modeling in Engineering and Environmental Sciences,
Marseille, Juillet 1997, 10 pages.
E. Schall, S. Seror, M.C. Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[10] "A Coupled Vibration-Dissociation-Exchange Reactions Model for Hypersonic Airflow Computations ",
AIAA paper n°97-2556, 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, juin 1997 Atlanta, 10 pages.
S. Seror, E. Schall, M.C Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[9] "Computational Studies of the Viscous Flow about the Standart Model Electre with F4 Freestream Conditions",
Five European High Velocity Database Workshop, Noordwijk, Avril 1996. Edité dans les actes du congrès, 8 pages.
S. Seror, E. Schall, M.C. Druguet, Y. Burtschell, D. Zeitoun
[8] "Extension of the Defect Boundary Layer Theory to Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Flows around a Blunt Body",
ECCOMAS, 3rd Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,Paris, 9-13 septembre 1996. Vol I pp 735-740.
S. Seror,E. Schall, et D. Zeitoun
[7] "A Complete Description of the Thermochemical Coupling in Hypersonic Viscous Flows",
ECCOMAS, 3rd Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,Paris, 9-13 septembre 1996. Vol I pp 236-242.
E. Schall, Y. Burtschell, M.C Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[6] "Asymptotic Defect Boundary-layer applied to Nonequilibrium Laminar Hypersonic Air Flows",
20th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Pasadena, juin 1995. Edité dans les proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Septembre 95. Vol I pp 32-38.
S. Seror, E. Schall, D. Zeitoun
[5] "Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Viscous Flow in the F4 Contoured Nozzle".
4th European High Velocity Database Workshop, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Pays-Bas, novembre 1994. Edité dans les actes du congrès. 11 pages.
Y. Burtschell, E. Schall, M.C Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[4] "Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Viscous Flow about the Electre model with F4 freestream conditions",
4th European High Velocity Database Workshop, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Pays-Bas, novembre 1994. Edité dans les actes du congrès. 10 pages.
E. Schall, Y. Burtschell, M.C Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[3] "Hypersonic Viscous Flow with Nonequilibrium Coupling Effects",
ECCOMAS, second European Computation Fluid Dynamics Conference, Stuttgart, 5 - 8 septembre 1994. Edité dans les actes du congrès dans Wagner S.,
Hirschel E.H., Périaux J. Piva R (eds) Computational Fluid Dynamics’94, Wiley Publisher, Vol II pp 796-802.
E. Schall, Y. Burtschell, M.C Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[2] "Vibration-Dissociation Coupling in Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Viscous Flows",
AIAA paper n°94-1989, 6th AIAA/ASME joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Colorado Springs, juin 1994, 10 pages.
E. Schall, Y. Burtschell, M.C Druguet et D. Zeitoun
[1] "Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Flow around a Blunt Body",
19th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Marseille, Juillet 1993. Edité dans les proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Vol II pp 321-326.
E. Schall, D. Zeitoun
IV) National Conferences
[6] " Quelques observations sur un algorithme semi-implicite pour le calcul des écoulements à tous nombres de Mach",
Congrès Français de Thermique, SFT 2008, Toulouse, 3-6 juin 2008
M. Amara, Y. Moguen, E. Schall
[5] " Mélange chaotique réactif en écoulement périodique ",
Congrès SFGP2005, Toulouse en septembre 2005.
S. Gibout, Y. Le Guer Y. and E. Schall
[4] " Aérodynamique externe d'un dirigeable",
16ième Congrès Français de Mécanique, 1-5 septembre 2003, Nice, France.
E. Schall, Y. Bentaleb, K. El Omari et B. Koobus
[3] " Mixing analysis in spatially periodic curved pipe flows by mapping approach ",
Congrès Français de Thermique, SFT 2008, Toulouse, 3-6 juin 2008.
Y. Le Guer,E. Schall, S. Gibout, C. Boesinger
[2] " Simulation numérique d’un écoulement compressible à bas nombre de Mach autour d’un dirigeable ",
Colloque National de la Recherche dans les IUT (CNRIUT 2003), Tarbes, France, 15-16 mai, 2003.
E. Schall, K. El Omari, Y. Bentaleb, Y. Le Guer et S. Gibout.
[1] "Simulation Numérique d'un Ecoulement Hypersonique Visqueux en Non-équilibre Chimique et Vibrationnel autour d'un Profil",
11ième Congrès Français de Mécanique,Lille -Villeneuve d'Ascq 1993. Vol. 3, pp 45-48.
E. Schall, D. Zeitoun
V) Scientific reports / Thesis reports
[21] Livrable Final OPTIMAL "Refroidissement du stator d’une turbomachine par impact de jets d’air", Novembre 2013 - 55 pages. CONFIDENTIEL.
E. Schall, M. Mory
[20] Livrable T0+36 OPTIMAL "Refroidissement du stator d’une turbomachine par impact de jets d’air", Août 2012 - 30 pages. CONFIDENTIEL.
E. Schall, M. Mory
[19] Livrable T0+30 OPTIMAL "Refroidissement du stator d’une turbomachine par impact de jets d’air", Janvier 2012 - CONFIDENTIEL.
E. Schall, M. Mory
[18] Livrable T0+24 OPTIMAL "Refroidissement du stator d’une turbomachine par impact de jets d’air", Juillet 2011 - 25 pages. CONFIDENTIEL.
E. Schall, M. Mory
[17] Livrable T0+18 OPTIMAL "Refroidissement du stator d’une turbomachine par impact de jets d’air", Janvier 2011 - 22 pages. CONFIDENTIEL.
E. Schall, M. Mory
[16] Livrable T0+12 OPTIMAL " Refroidissement du stator d’une turbomachine par impact de jets d’air ", Août 2010 - 32 pages. CONFIDENTIEL.
E. Schall, M. Mory
[15] Livrable T0+6 OPTIMAL " Optimisation du refroidissement d’un stator de turbomachine motorisée ", Fev. 2010 - 15 pages. CONFIDENTIEL.
E. Schall
[14] Livrable T0 OPTIMAL "Etat de l'art sur le refroidissement par impacts de jets", 2009 - CONFIDENTIEL
E. Schall
[13] Rapport INRIA "Numerical Investigations of Turbulent Flow Past a Generic Airship", RR-5455, janvier 2005, 22 pages.
El Omari, Kamal, Schall, Eric, Koobus Bruno, Dervieux Alain
[12] Rapport INRIA "Aeroelastic Coupling Between a Low Mach Inviscid Flow and a Flexible Generic Airship", RR-5456, janvier 2005, 22 pages.
El Omari, Kamal, Schall, Eric, Koobus Bruno, Dervieux, Alain
[11] Rapport INRIA "Computation of low Mach Inviscid compressible flows around a prolate spheroïde ", RR-5299, septembre 2004, 22 pages.
Bentaleb Yacine, Schall, Eric, Koobus Bruno, Dervieux, Alain
[10] Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : " Modélisation et simulation numérique en mécanique des fluides énergétiques pour les sciences
de l’ingénieur : Contribution aux écoulements compressibles", 6 décembre 2004,186 pages.
[9] Rapport d’activité contractuel CRA/FEDER/UPPA "Projet Dirigeable gros porteur", Septembre 2003, 300 pages.
En collaboration avec: le LaTEP et le LMA.
[8] Rapport d’activité contractuel IRA/AAT/UPPA "Coupling Between a Low Mach Inviscid Flow and a Flexible Generic Airship",
septembre 2002, 111pages.
E. Schall, M. Amara
[7] Rapport d’activité "Etude des écoulements compressibles à petit nombre de Mach dans le but d’applications au refroidissement
par Multiperçage", Convention UPPA-TURBOMECA / Note Technique Provisoire, Avril 2001, 88 pages.
E. Schall, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux
[6] Rapport final "Contribution Numérique a l’Etude des Ecoulements à Petit Nombre de Mach", Convention CEA-CESTA / INRIA,
N° 7V1402B et N° 197E749, Janvier 1999, 132 pages.
E. Schall
[5] Rapport final de contrat no.env4-ct96-0299, 1999 : "A Mixed Finite Volume/Finite Element Method and an adaptative Finite Element Method Applied to Combustion in Multiphase Medium",
Rapport intermédiaire de contrat no ENV4-CT96-0299, CEE, CERMICS-ENPC. Août 1998 : 26 pages.
M. Braack, E. Schall, N. Glinsky-Olivier.
[4] Rapport annuel d'activité du contrat passé par la Direction des Recherches, Etudes et Techniques (Délégation Générale pour l'Armement):
"Aide à l'Optimisation d'un Laser de Puissance HF/DF Pulsé", Convention N° Juin 1997, 47 pages.
E. Schall,, O. Chaoul et D. Zeitoun.
[3] Rapport semestriel d'activité du contrat passé par la Direction des Recherches, Etudes et Techniques (Délégation Générale pour l'Armement):
"Aide à l'Optimisation d'un Laser de Puissance HF/DF Pulsé", Convention N° Janvier 1997, 33 pages.
E. Schall, O. Chaoul et D. Zeitoun.
[2] Rapport d'activité du contrat MSTP (Manned Space Transportation Program): "Quaterly Progress", Octobre 1995, 155 pages.
En collaboration avec: l'Equipe MHEQ de l’IUSTI (Université de Provence).
[1] Thèse de Doctorat : "Contribution Numérique à l'étude des Ecoulements Dissipatifs Externes (Effet du Couplage Chimie-Vibration)",
Thèse de Doctoratde l’Université d'Aix-Marseille I. Spécialité Energétique, Juillet 1995, 221 pages.
Félicitations du jury
VI) Invited Symposium
[1] "Vers un centre de recherche aérostatique",
Colloque International AERALL, Des dirigeables pour l’humanité, 29-30 janvier 2004, Paris.
M. Amara, J. François, E. Schall.