
SIAME Laboratory

UR 4581

CNRS Research Federation IPRA FR 2952 (French acronym for Multidisciplinary Institute of Applied Research in Petroleum Engineering)



siame.contact @ univ-pau.fr




   laurent.pecastaing @ univ-pau.fr


Assistant director

Stéphane ABADIE

 stephane.abadie @ univ-pau.fr


Last News :


First meeting between researchers and investors at UPPA !

The Hackafond!

That's the name of this event organized as part of the Sud Aquitaine Innovation University Cluster. Its aim is to bring together, as early as possible, the results of public research and the market vision of investors, in order to speed up the transfer process.

2 SIAME researchers took part in this first Hackafond. Roman Leduc and Yves Le Guer had the opportunity to pitch their project with brio.

Presentation of the SIAMELaboratory for applied sciences in mechanics and electrical engineering

The SIAME laboratory is a research team of the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour whose research is carried out in the field of Engineering Sciences.

The unit is structured in 4 teams:

- Complex and energetic flows (EE),

- Geomaterials and structures for civil engineering (GS),

- Wave / Structure Interaction (IVS),

- High Voltage Processes (PHT).

The research is based on experimental expertise, modelling and numerical simulations.

The laboratory is a member of the research federations IPRA and MIRA, of the Carnot ISIFOR Institute.

One of the Laboratory's major assets is its long-standing partnership activity, which is reflected in the participation of teams in three joint research laboratories (SAGE, KOSTARISK and UPPA - Nobatek/INEF4).

The University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour has defined two values that guide its research activity:

  • Reconciling science and society for a reasoned progress
  • To act within a territory.

For the period 2022-2026, these values are broken down into five interdisciplinary missions focused on societal issues.

The research work and projects of SIAME researchers contribute to 4 of these 5 interdisciplinary missions.


Even if the positioning is very marked within the teams (for example: mission 4 for the GS team, mission 1 for the IVS team, missions 2 and 3 for the EE team), our overall analysis shows a good balance on these missions.



Post-doctoral and internships positions

Internship offer n°1

The Flow and Energy team of the SIAME laboratory at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour is looking for an intern at Master 1 / Master 2 level or in the second / third year of engineering school.

The successful candidate will be working on the MIACE PEF (MicroAlgae Continuous Extraction by Pulsed Electric Field) project, funded by ADEME and in collaboration with the High Voltage Processes team and ASMA.

For further information, please download the offer or contact Yves LE GUER.


Internship offer n°2

The High Voltage Processes team of the SIAME laboratory at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour is looking for an intern at Master 1 / Master 2 level or in the second / third year of engineering school.

The successful candidate will be working on the NLTL (Non Linear Transmission Lines) project, funded by the CEA through the SAGE joint laboratory.

For further information, please download the job offer or contact Alexey ZHABIN.
