Antoine Silvestre De Ferron

SIAME Laboratory

UR 4581

CNRS Research Federation IPRA FR 2952 (French acronym for Multidisciplinary Institute of Applied Research in Petroleum Engineering)


Laboratory @




   laurent.pecastaing @


Assistant director

Stéphane ABADIE

 stephane.abadie @

Antoine Silvestre De FerronResearch Engineer

  • Head of the PHT Team of the SIAME Laboratory
  • Head of the PHT platform of the UPPATECH service center
  • SIAME Laboratory - High Voltage Processes team
    Technopole Hélioparc - 2 avenue Pierre ANGOT - 64 000 PAU - FRANCE
  • Electromagnetic fields; High pulsed power; electrical discharges; dielectrics; lightning; normalized waveforms; high power microwaves;
  • antoine.deferron @
  • +33 673219278


Since September 2022

Research Engineer 2nd class, 8th step in the PHT team of the SIAME Laboratory of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (UPPA).

Since July 2021

Head of the PHT team (High Voltage Processes team of the Laboratory of Engineering Sciences Applied to Mechanics and Electrical Engineering).

Since January 2018

Responsible for the PHT platform (Management of the experimental means of the platform belonging to the UPPATECH University service center).

Since January 2017

Researcher at the LRC SAGE (Laboratoire de Recherche Conventionné des Sciences Appliquées au Génie Electrique) - Joint Laboratory with CEA GRAMAT and CEA CESTA.

From December 2008 to september 2022

Electrotechnical Engineer within the PHT team of the SIAME Laboratory of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)

From April to December 2008

Electrotechnical Engineer: CDD (6 months) for the SIAME Laboratory of UPPA

From October 2006 to April 2008

Research and Development Engineer: Post-Doctoral research (18 months) for the Military C.E.A. (C.E.S.T.A)

From March 2003 to July 2006

PhD thesis in Electrical Engineering : Use of high pulsed electrical powers in the electrofiltration of gaseous effluents,  defended on July 12, 2006, UPPA


Laboratory Life

- Manager of the PHT Team since july 2021 :

- Scientific manager :

    . ITHPP - private contract to support Tony IMBERT's PhD thesis.

    . Projects within the framework of the LRC SAGE: GIEF and ECLATAIR

- Responsible of the PHT platform and member of the steering committee of the UPPA TECH Instrumental Service Center.

- Technical manager of all the services provided within the team.

- Responsible for the layout and updating of the SIAME and EAPPC2020 websites.

- Elected member of the Laboratory Council since 2010.


- Head of Safety in the Laboratory - High Voltage Electrical Authorization (Energy Bank) since January 2007.

- Responsible for the protection of computer data.

- Prevention assistant for the University.

International profile

- Deputy Chair and responsible of partners and sponsors relationship for the EAPPC2020 international conference in Biarritz.

- Referee for 10 international journals (IEEE TPS, IEEE TPD, IEEE TMTT, J Phys D, IFSET, JEEMA, Electronics, WJET...).

- Member of the technical committees of the ELECTRIMACS conference in Toulouse in 2017 and ISP in Pau in 2018


- Design and manufacture of High Voltage generators:

    . High voltage switching (pressurized gas switches, solid-state switches)

    . High voltage pulse generation (Marx generators, transformers, blumleins)

- High Voltage signal shaping

    . Optimization of voltage gain (transformer with transmission lines)

    . Impedance matching

    . Use of magnetic materials (ferrites)

- High Voltage Measurement

    . Electrical and optical diagnostics

    . Design and manufacture of high voltage fast dividers and probes

    . Design and manufacture of transformers for measuring high currents

    . Fast signals acquisition

- Electrical modeling (circuit type or electrostatic field calculation), or hydrodynamics

- Realization of command and control program for generators under LABVIEW

- Mechanical design and static and hydrodynamic calculations (CATIA)

- Electrical discharges Physics

    . Discharge and breakdown mechanism at atmospheric pressure

    . Electron generation in vacuum.

- Tests according to the NF C17-102 standard for ESEAT.

- Shaping of standardized waveforms (voltage and current - lightning shock type)

Research interests

- High power microwaves

- High Voltage / High Current Processes

- Lightning Protection

- Fast generation and transient measurements

- Electrical discharges in gases, liquids and solids


- Management and Direction

    . Co-director of

        o Thomas MAYSONNAVE's doctorate (2010-2013),

        o Alexandre BRAGA's doctorate (2023-2026),

    . Co-supervising PhDs in:

        o Charly SIGOGNE (2011-2014),

        o Sonia SOUAKRI (2013-2016),

        o Tony IMBERT (2016-2019),

        o Yoan BACQUEYRISSES (2018-2022).


- Participation in the planning, set-up and fine-tuning of the experiments carried out during all the theses that have taken place within the team since 2008.


- Head of engineering fixed-term contracts at the SIAME Laboratory:

    . Youness AMAL (2008-2009, 9 months),

    . Sonia SOUAKRI (2012-2013, 4 months),

    . Florian ALLARD (2014, 2 months),

    . Marc BIZOT (2016, 3 months),

    . Robin VERGE (2018, 12 months, FlashDence project),

    . Robin VERGE (2019, 12 months, FlashDence2 project),

    . Robin VERGE (2020, 12 months, Commutation Solide project),

    . Laurent ARIZTIA (2020, 12 months, Escapade project),

    . Viviane TCHALLA (2020/2021, 12 months, UPPATECH),

    . Laurent ARIZTIA (2021, 12 months, PlacoAtam project),

    . Laurent ARIZTIA (2022, 9 months, UPPATECH),


- Supervising and co-supervising several M1 and M2 GEII internships and tutored projects.


- Temporary lecturer UPPA in charge of a training module in M1 EEEA GEII since 2016 (36 hours).


- PULPA Chair (International Chair E2S UPPA) - Bucur NOVAC

- Collaborative Laboratory SAGE – CEA Gramat et CESTA


- Conventionalized Research Laboratory SAGE - CEA Gramat and CESTA

- PLACOATAM - M-era.Net - LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology) and EFFITECH

- Study for the development of an electric drilling system for shallow hard rock - ITHPP - CIFRE contract

- ELECTRIC FRACTURING - PHC "Xu Guangqi" with the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Beijing Academy of Sciences

- PURIFAIR - PHC "Van Gogh" with the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Technology of Eindhoven


- ESCAPADE - ANR ASTRID DGA / Gustave Roussi Institute



H-index : 10


- 5 patents with international extension

- 1 book chapter

- 50 publications in international peer-reviewed journals

- 182 presentations at international and national conferences