ConstrucTerr'Design and use of low carbon footprint materials for sustainable construction

The building sector is facing major challenges to reduce its global environmental impact. To address those challenges the Chair ConstrucTerr' aims at providing solutions to help the building industry to shift towards low carbon footprint materials.
Clay rich raw earth is used since centuries to construct buildings, as this material is abundantly and often locally available, it therefore presents considerable environmental advantages.
Together with the partners of the chair, sustainable innovative solutions are developed to improve and extend the use of raw earth based materials.
The research conducted in the chair among others, looks at microstructural properties of the material, its multiphysical behavior and how this may impact indoor comfort, in regards of summer comfort and indoor air quality.
Fionn McGregor realized a PhD on the moisture buffering of unfired earth masonry at the University of Bath in the UK. He then worked for 5 years in France at the ENTPE, in Lyon. His main interest lies on natural building materials such as raw earth and biobased aggregates.