Sustainable Networks and Infrastructures ChairProposing a training that matches the companies’ needs

The “Sustainable Networks and Infrastructures” Chair contributes to the development of the ISA BTP school in Civil Engineering. It aims at suporting the training programme “Sustainable Networks and Infrastructures” on the last two years of the engineering courses.
This project is strongly supported by Civil Engineering companies through the “ISA BTP Foundation” and the “National Federation of Civil Engineering,” and will propose a training that matches the companies’ needs. This translates into the opening of a branch in Bordeaux, an apprenticeship training, and the integration of companies’ engineers to the teaching staff.
To answer the energy and environmental issues, the training program “Sustainable Networks and Infrastructures” will focus on various main teachings, such as the sustainable land use planning or the research and innovation in Civil Engineering.
Chair Holder
Rudy Bui has a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Toulouse (France). His career as a researcher and lecturer at the INSA of Toulouse and at the ENTPE brought him to work on innovative teaching methods.
He also developed transdisciplinary courses related to the energy transition.