HPC WAVES : High Performance Computing of WavesSenior Chair with partnership E2S-UPPA

Coastal communities have been facing on-going problems associated with large ocean swell waves, which result in coastal flooding, hazardous currents, infrastructure damage, and erosion. On the positive side, energetic waves can make a vital contribution to marine renewable energy (MRE) systems.
To understand the hazards on one side and the potential for marine energy on the other, quantitative assessment is necessary. The chair focuses on the theoretical and numerical development of nearshore wave models with attention to high performance computing. We are improving both accuracy and speed of numerical wave models to obtain a representative and complete description of coastal wave processes including generation, propagation, and run-up, as well as the waves’ impact on structures and their potential for MRE extraction. This work is complemented by field and laboratory studies.
In close collaboration with governmental and private agencies for coastal zone management in the Basque country, the chair helps to find integrated solutions for mitigation of wave-driven coastal hazards and investigate local MRE applications.
Nature = Futur ! : webserie on biomimetism and bio-inspiration which present solutions inspired from Nature.
Affiliate Graduate Faculty member in the Department of Oceanography at the University of Hawaii, where he received his PhD in Ocean Engineering, Volker Roeber, leader of the HPC-Waves chair, is specialized in numerical modelling of nearshore waves.
Before returning to the University of Hawaii, he was Assistant Professor at Tohoku University, Japan, where he worked on wavedriven catastrophic events.