LRC SAGEResearch laboratory for applied sciences in electrical engineering

The LRC SAGE (Research laboratory for applied sciences in electrical engineering) is an open-space laboratory composed of 20 researchers and researchers-lecturers belonging to the LDRX (beam hardening) and LMPF (high power micro-wave) laboratories of the CEA (Atomic energy commission) of Gramat, the LHPP (high pulsed power) laboratory of the CEA CESTA (Center for scientific and technical studies of Aquitaine) and the SIAME of the UPPA. Laurent Pécastaing, Professor at the SIAME, is the manager of the LRC SAGE. Defense-related research focuses on the development of high pulsed power systems (very high-power, compact, reliable and sometimes autonomous systems).
The scientific issues addressed at the LRC SAGE mainly concern optimizing the development of high pulsed power systems.
The creation of this laboratory in November 2017, has given concrete expression to the desire to strengthen and sustain the scientific partnership between the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour and the CEA around shared themes. Scientific cooperation work is carried out both at the fundamental level with studies on modelling and understanding physical phenomena, but also at the experimental level with work on the design, production and testing of technological building blocks.