H2P H2 Project



siame.contact @ univ-pau.fr




   laurent.pecastaing @ univ-pau.fr


Directeur Adjoint

Stéphane ABADIE

 stephane.abadie @ univ-pau.fr

Project: H2P H2

Name Project: H2P H2 (French acronym for Use of high pulsed power for H2 storage

Start Date: 01/01/2023

End Date: 12/12/2023

UPPA collaborators: LATEP & IPREM

Scientific manager at the SIAME: REESS Thierry, 

Permanent members of the SIAME involved: SILVESTRE de FERRON Antoine

Contact Type: Projet ISIFOR


Project description

International news proves, if proof were still needed, that natural gas storage is a major challenge to meet demand and avoid the risk of shortages. Among the techniques used, salt cavern storage has many advantages. Nevertheless, there is a need for R&D on the storage of dihydrogen in salt caverns in order to demonstrate the safety of the gas with respect to interactions with the micro-organisms present in the brines at the bottom of these storages.

The H2P-H2 project aims to study the effectiveness of the application of electrical discharges in salt cavities for the treatment and prevention of these micro-organisms. More precisely, it will be a question of evaluating, at the same time, the characteristics of the pressure wave generated by electric arc and the duration of treatment necessary to obtain a destructive and curative effect on these micro-organisms.