Project name: Functional surfaces on AM objects with a low cost atmospheric pressure micro PLAsma COAT instrument integrated on a 3D printing equipment (PLACOATAM)
Object: Bipolar high voltage pulse generation for medical and military applications
Start date: November 1, 2018
End date: October 30, 2021
Coordinator: LIST / Luxembourg
Scientific manager at the SIAME: PECASTAING Laurent
Permanent members of the SIAME involved: RIVALETTO Marc, SILVESTRE de FERRON Antoine
Type de contract: M-Era Net
Partner(s): LIST/Luxembourg, Molecular Plasma Group/Luxembourg, Effitech
Project description
The objective of the PLACOATAM project is to design, process and test an innovative atmospheric pressure plasma. Our improved solution consists of chemical vapor deposition from plasma microjets integrated on 3D printing equipment and capable of performing thin metal and inorganic printing. As the treatment of the deposit must be carried out on rough and complex surfaces and on sensitive thermal surfaces, the length of the plasma jet must be maximized and the impact of the plasma jet minimized. Therefore, a new type of high voltage nanosecond generator must be developed to give this device the ability to generate a "homogeneous plasma" in a very small volume and relatively low flow rate. During the second part of the PLACOATAM project, the "3+2D" printing concept for fast and rapid printing will be proposed for the manufacture of functionalized finished products with a solution where two high-efficiency processes are combined: 3D printing technology and the 2D atmospheric pressure plasma surface deposition process.